
Product Purchase Links:

Purchase a license for real time power usage monitoring -EMSPRO Platform - People Version

Purchase a license for EMSPRO E3 Platform - Starter Version

Purchase a license for EMSPRO E3 Platform -Robust version

Purchase a license for EMSPRO E3 Platform -Professional Specialized Version

Purchase a license for EMSPRO E3 Platform - Professional Full Version

Papros Interface to WREA Energy Management Portal


Your interface to the energy management portal

To get access to historic Green button data (Training video, example for PGE, and instructions for other utilities)

Basically, login to wreainc account, and in a new tab (of browser, eg. Firefox), open utility (eg PGE) page and login (register, if you do not have an account first go to


and do the authorization (choose Papros Inc., our technology partner in the drop down list), and upon success, you can use wreainc tab for further data requests or viewing. For this feature you need no other software than a browser and a WREA account. On properly closing the wreainc site by closing the session, close the browser window.

Training Material Links

Click here for basic tutorial on login, accessing and viewing data from PGE.

To get Green button data from any other utility:

First create an account in wreainc website by going to


Then open a new tab and enter the utility (sce , sdge) web address there, and login and do the authorization from there-this will enable automated token captures etc.

To get WREATIME(tm) real time data from any utility.

To get real time data, buy a USB dongle that can capture zigbee signal from your smart meter. Install dongle and related firmware per instructions from your utility and dongle maker. Then obtain a license from WREA for EMSPRO(TM), and this will need to be installed, and an online account set up at WREA site. You need Microsoft Excel for this feature. You can set twenty four alerts and view alerts on WREA site. You can also view real time data on the cloud as an option. Instructions will be attached to the software emailed or downloaded.
See an example of procedure provided by a user:Example by user


To send feedback or to contact, please email us

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